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Storm8:: 2016. 4. 12.~4. 15.업데이트



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    2016. 4. 12.~4. 15.업데이트

매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

    12일 업데이트

> Fantasy Forest Story, Fashion Story.

1) Fantasy Forest Story (판타지 포레스트 스토리)

You won’t have to beware this fearsome canine when you welcome it to your Forest. This creature is bathed in shadow and has a tremendous howl, that when goes up in the air, it stays there. Make sure to add this mysterious beast, the Onyx Direwolf, only in Fantasy Forest Story!

2) Fashion Story (패션 스토리)

This weekend marks Record Store Day, which is a day of celebrating the grand old tradition of vinyl. We’ve got new items to make sure your Boutique will be ready for all the hip cats and dolls ready to rock around the clock. Darling, stand by me and dance to the sweet tunes coming from the new Record Player in Fashion Story! 

> Put your hands up in the air and keep them there for these other items:

Red Headphones

Record Crate counter

Pop Rock Dress

    13일 업데이트

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

Next stop, Brooklyn! From the wondrous skyline to the dazzling lights, you’ll never want to forget how huge of a bite you took of the Big Apple. Your Customers will think they’ve made it with the Sleepless City decoration, only in Bakery Story!

> Remind everyone why this is the City that Never Sleeps with these new items:

Never Lost wall decoration

Taxi Cab decoration

Liberty Lap decoration

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

Let’s take a trip to the Southern Hemisphere! From a land where Marsupials roam, treat your Customers to some sights and sounds of the Outback. Every time they step in the building, they’ll want to Down Under with the Eucalyptus Koala decoration, only in Restaurant Story! 

> Bring another one of these Aussie goodies home with these new items:

Kangaroo Divider decoration

Bird Pole decoration

Wire Kangaroo decoration

    15일 업데이트

> Dragon Story.

1) Dragon Story (드래곤 스토리)

While some Dragons may like dancing about, this new Tournament Dragon is a stubborn creature who loves a solid place to live and will stay still for ages. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Find out the answer when you battle and don’t stop until you bring home the Immovable Dragon in Dragon Story!

출처 : Storm8 블로그


    글을 마치며

스토리게임 다시 업데이트가 올라오고 있어요. 미리보기가 나와서 미리 알고 좋은 것 같아요.

운영중인 카페도 있습니다. (http://cafe.naver.com/storm8story) 함께 즐기면 더 재밌을 거예요~

새로운 아이템들이 잔뜩 업데이트가 되네요. 새로운 기기들이 나올 느낌이긴 한데, 어떠려나요. 아이템들이 잔뜩 멋지게 나와서 좋네요.

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

