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Storm8:: 2016. 3. 22.~3. 25.업데이트



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    2016. 3. 22.~3. 25.업데이트

매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

    22일 업데이트

> Fashion Story.

1) Fashion Story (패션 스토리)

Springtime is here and with it comes a whole new palette to use for your fashion options. Your store will undoubtedly get busier as the weather warms up and trends turn to lighter fabrics and colors. You can be sure Customers will flock to your store for the search when you place the Easter Egg Hunt in your Fashion Story! 

> Be the finest person in the Easter parade with these other items:

Pastel Spring Purse

Chocolate Bunny decoration

Easter Egg Candle decoration

    23일 업데이트

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

With a brand new season comes new love! Spring weddings are symbolic of a new life together; ready to grow like a budding flower. Open a Blossom Wedding crate to celebrate with the Blossoming Love decoration only in Bakery Story!

> Celebrate these springtime newly weds with these new items:

Blossom Treats decoration

Blossom Archway decoration

Blossom Cake decoration

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

The sun is out and the flowers are in bloom. Nothing says Spring is here more, than the tall majestic Sunflower! Make sure to open a Sunflower Crate to get the Sunflower Park decoration in Restaurant Story! 

> Add a bouquet of blooms to your Restaurant with these new items:

Sunflower Vendor decoration

Sunflower Treats decoration

Sunflower Patch decoration

    25일 업데이트

> Dragon Story, Fantasy Forest Story.

1) Dragon Story (드래곤 스토리)

This leaping Dragon is back by popular demand! You will want to keep an eye on any eggs on your island, otherwise this little mischief maker may hide them for you. This Dragon loves to put on a good hunt! Hop to it and check out the re-release of the Easter Dragon in Dragon Story!

2) Fantasy Forest Story (판타지 포레스트 스토리)

Need something shiny and shimmery in your Forest? This creature will be sure to dazzle your friends with its spectacular scales! Get ready to bathe your Forest in an amazing array of warm light; make room for the Goldscale only in Fantasy Forest Story!

출처 : Storm8 블로그


    글을 마치며

스토리게임 다시 업데이트가 올라오고 있어요. 미리보기가 나와서 미리 알고 좋은 것 같아요.

운영중인 카페도 있습니다. (http://cafe.naver.com/storm8story) 함께 즐기면 더 재밌을 거예요~

빨리 퀘스트들 깨야하는 데 정신이 없네요.

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

