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팀라바:: 2014.11.18-11.21 업데이트



- 최종 작성일 : 2014.11.19

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팀바라블로그 : http://blog.teamlava.com/

    2014.11.18 - 11.21 업데이트.

> 매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

1. 18일 업데이트.

> Dragon Story, Fashion Story, Pet Shop Story.

1) Dragon Story(드래곤 스토리)

This perennial beauty will make a lovely addition to your Island since flowers can always break through any Autumn gloom.

This little Dragon loves stretching its wings in the warm sun.

Bring a little sunshine to your Island with the Sunflower Dragon in Dragon Story!

2) Fashion Story(패션 스토리)

Dig your warm winter clothing out of your storage!

It’s getting colder, so now is the perfect time to use all of your favorite fall accessories.

When you’re all bundled up, why not go on a hike to enjoy the crisp Autumn air?

Stop on by, you could get a Wilderness Tent for all of your camping needs in Fashion Story! 

> Get your gear ready for the winter – we’ve got everything you need, such as:

• Hikers Fashion

• Hiking Windows Display

• Sleeping Bag

3) Pet Shop Story (펫 샵 스토리)

Feeling like you need some adventure in your life?

Be sure you can keep up with this one!

Don’t be late for the White Rabbit in Pet Shop Story! 

> Bring the fairy tales back into life in your Shop:

• Frog Prince

• Charming Cottage Display

• Pygmysus

2. 19일 업데이트.

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story, City Story Metro.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

It’s almost Thanksgiving, so fill your counters with baked goods for all your Customers!

Those who visit your Bakery will certainly appreciate getting their fill of some of your delicious autumn treats.

After they’ve eaten, you can take your Customers on a wild Fall Carriage ride in Bakery Story!

> Decorate to celebrate with some special seasonal items:

• Pinecone Counter

• Fall Arch

• Harvest Table

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

With the leaves changing into beautiful fall colors, you can’t help but admire the breathtaking view.

As the leaves come falling down, grab a friend and ride on your Tandem Bike in Restaurant Story! 

> Decorate your Shop with these fall beauties:

• Pinecone Fountain Decoration

• Romantic Carriage Decoration

• Fall Hedge Decoration

3) City Story Metro(시티 스토리 메트로)

Don’t worry about your waistline and indulge yourself!

Have a cupcake or two!

Get your artisan breads and pastries at the Autumn Bakery in City Story Metro!

> Be sure to stop by and check out these structures:

• Fall Luxury Cabin

• Autumn Apartments

• Autumn Fence Decoration

3. 20일 업데이트.

> Home Desing Story.

1) Home Design Story (홈 디자인 스토리)

The best comfort you will find is in your own Home.

Simplicity beats complexity! Redecorate your bedroom with the Harvest King bed in Home Design Story!

> Transform your Rooms with these new additions:

• Woven Couch

• Wooden TV Set

• Vase Paintings Wall Decoration

4. 21일 업데이트.

> Fantasy Forest Story

1) Fantasy Forest Story(판타지 포레스트 스토리)

Mystical Creatures are known to wander through many TeamLava games and this one is no different!

This Creature also makes a great travel buddy, keeping bite-sized portions of food in its horn for the road.

You’ll never go hungry with the Unicornicopia in Fantasy Forest Story!

출처 : 팀라바 블로그


    설명을 마치며.

> 항상 날짜순으로 정리해서 작성하고 있어요.

매주 업데이트 되는 아이템들을 보면서 대단하다고 느끼고 있어요~

베스나 레스는 지난주에 퀘스트가 나왔는데~ 새 오븐 있으니 잊지말고 받으세요~

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

