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팀라바:: 2014.10.20-10.24 업데이트



- 최종 작성일 : 2014.10.23

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팀바라블로그 : http://blog.teamlava.com/

    2014.10.20 - 10.24 업데이트.

> 매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

1. 21일 업데이트.

> Dragon Story, Fashion Story, Pet Shop Story.

1) Dragon Story(드래곤 스토리)

Be wary of the night.

The unknown darkness lurks from every corner.

Don’t let it catch you off guard as the Nightstalker Dragon roams the night in Dragon Story!

2) Fashion Story(패션 스토리)

Can you hear the violin and trumpet?

Can you see the Sugar Plum Fairy dancing her way across the floor?

Make your Shop leap with grace with the Ballet Troupe in Fashion Story!

> Dance your way with these beautiful decorations:

• Ballet Couple Display

• Tutu Display

• Stage Light

2) Pet Shop Story (펫 샵 스토리)

Get ready for a night of terror around these Shops! Have a spooktacular time with the Cerberus Dog in Pet Shop Story.

> Other “bootiful” additions for your frightfully cute shop:

• Pumpkin Bed 

• Candy Corn Dish 

• Giraffe Hound

2. 22일 업데이트.

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story, City Story Metro.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

What can be more calming than a soft glow light the shoji makes and the feel of the bamboo tiles below your feet?

Your Customers will admire the tranquility of the Zen Garden in Bakery Story!

> Light up your shop with these new items:

• Shoji Wallpaper

• Shoji Sconce

• Paper Lantern

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

Ah, buongiorno! Italian culture is full of beautiful architecture and delicious food.

Turn your Shop into the streets of Venice with the Venetian floor tiles in Restaurant Story.

> Bring the best of Italy with these zesty new decorations:

• Gelato Display 

• Pasta Tower 

• Gondola Date 

3) City Story Metro(시티 스토리 메트로)

Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this city into a fangtastic City!

Give your Citizens a ghoulishly delightful time with the Haunted Toy Store in City Story Metro.

> More chilling establishments for your City:

• Corn Maze

• Haunted Mansion

• Pumpkin Fence

3. 23일 업데이트.

> Home Desing Story.

1) Home Design Story (홈 디자인 스토리)

The best interiors make a comfortable Home.

As colder weather approaches, setting a warm tone in your home helps with the mood.

Snuggle up by the Gas Fire Pit in Home Design Story.

> Design your home with this new array of furniture:

• Patio Recliner furniture

• Brown Cabinet wall decoration

• Wicker Drawer furniture

출처 : 팀라바 블로그


    설명을 마치며.

> 다양한 아이템들이 매주 업데이트 되는 재미가 있는 게임이 바로 팀라바게임이죠.

저는 베이커리스토리만 하지만 시즌버전으로도 많이 나오는 게임들도 있고요.

캐쥬얼게임? 아케이드게임? 형식으로도 더 많은 게임이 있어요.

쥬얼마니아란 게임도 있죠. 다양한 이벤트를 많이 해서 젬이나 팍팍 주면 좋겠다. 

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

