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Storm8:: 2016. 5. 17.~5. 20.업데이트



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    2016. 5. 17.~5. 20.업데이트

매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

    17일 업데이트

> Dragon Story, Fantasy Forest Story, Fashion Story.

1) Dragon Story (드래곤 스토리)

When you place this horticulture-loving new Dragon on your island, he’ll cultivate Food in his own habitat and will give it to you to feed your other Dragons. You’ll love this Dragon as much as he loves caring for nature. Never go hungry with the Green Thumb Dragon in Dragon Story!

2) Fantasy Forest Story (판타지 포레스트 스토리)

This new animal loves to hear a good joke and may laugh about it for much longer than necessary. This jovial creature likes to play and joke as much as he loves feeling the sun on his warm fur. Fill the skies above your forest with laughter with the Skyena in Fantasy Forest Story!

3) Fashion Story (패션 스토리)

Paris, the city of lights, seems to glow in the evening. You may not be able to travel to lovely France yourself, but you can certainly bring a little la magie to your every day. Fall in l'amour with the Le Eiffel Tower in Fashion Story! 

> These époustouflant French items will fit perfectly in your boutique:

Les Macarons decoration

Le Red Beret

Brunch Café Wall

    18일 업데이트

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

Strawberries are a sweet and juicy treat on a warm spring day, and they always go well with baked goods and pastries. This week’s new items will be sure to make your Customer’s mouths water for some delicious fruit! Celebrate the sweet strawberry and place the Fruity Lounge in Bakery Story!

> Other succulent new items include:

Juice Bar decoration

Fruity Couch decoration

Silly Strawberry decoration

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

Opulence and luxury are two very desired qualities in a fine dining establishment. Menu choices can elevate your food, but appearances can be more important than substance. This week’s update can help you put on airs and make your Restaurant great again with the Gold Column in Restaurant Story! 

> Other decadent new items include:

Fine Table 

Golden Flourish wallpaper

Fine Wall Lamp

출처 : Storm8 블로그


    글을 마치며

스토리게임 다시 업데이트가 올라오고 있어요. 미리보기가 나와서 미리 알고 좋은 것 같아요.

운영중인 카페도 있습니다. (http://cafe.naver.com/storm8story) 함께 즐기면 더 재밌을 거예요~

이번에는 패션, 드래곤이랑 판타지까지 한번에 공개가 되었네요. 기본은 3일로 나눠서 올려졌는데 2일로 팍! 올라가네요.

베이커리는 아이템만 추가된 기분이고, 레스토랑은 새로운 오븐이 추가된 느낌이네요. 황금빛!!!!!!

베이커리는 딸기가 한가득 있네요. 딸기...로 만든 쥬스 마시고 싶은 생각이 갑자기.

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

