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Storm8:: 2016. 3. 1.~3. 4.업데이트



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    2016. 3. 1.~3. 4.업데이트

매주 목~금 사이에 업데이트가 시작되며, 늦을때는 그 다음주 화요일 정도에 업데이트가 됩니다.

업데이트되는 사용자순서는 무작위형식입니다.

그림 속 이미지들이 업데이트 될 내용이라고 보면 돼요.

날짜 자체가 태평양시간 시간 기준임을 참고하셔서 봐야해요.

    1일 업데이트

> Fashion Story.

1) Fashion Story (패션 스토리)

Long before electricity, steam used to power engines used every day. Steam is also powering fashion with the vintage and Victorian Steampunk style; proving that you can dress to the nines and still show how crafty and clever you are. Your high-class style and ingenuity will be on display when you sell the Steam Bodices in Fashion Story! 

> Other Steampunk necessities include:

Steam Shelves wall decoration

Steam Skirt


    2일 업데이트

> Bakery Story, Restaurant Story.

1) Bakery Story (베이커리 스토리)

There’s been a buzz around the hive today, and something un-bee-lievable is coming! Spring is almost here and so is the promise of fresh fruits and flowers. Make sure to celebrate with something sticky and sweet; add the Sweet Bees Cake to your Bakery only in Bakery Story!

> Make sure to welcome these marvelous pollinators with these new items:

Bee Farmer

Bee Buddy

Time Flies

2) Restaurant Story (레스토랑 스토리)

It’s time to head down to the ranch to wrangle up some chow! Treat your 

Customers to that great old country living. Make sure to say “Howdy, Partner!” when you add the Ranch Picnic only in Restaurant Story! 

> You’ll be hollerin’ YEE-HAw! with these new items:

Ranch Flowers

Spring Cow

Cowboy Hats

    4일 업데이트

> Dragon Story, Fantasy Forest Story.

1) Dragon Story (드래곤 스토리)

This new Dragon is sure to be a hit,

You can get closer, don’t worry, you won’t get bit!

Get ready to battle in the Tournament and fight for glory,

Be victorious and win the Rhyme Dragon in Dragon Story!

2) Fantasy Forest Story (판타지 포레스트 스토리)

This adorable creature will amp up the cuteness factor among your Forest Friends. You’ll want to cuddle this animal and never let go! Add the darling Petite Panda to your collection, only in Fantasy Forest Story!

출처 : Storm8 블로그


    글을 마치며

스토리게임 다시 업데이트가 올라오고 있어요. 미리보기가 나와서 미리 알고 좋은 것 같아요.

운영중인 카페도 있습니다. (http://cafe.naver.com/storm8story) 함께 즐기면 더 재밌을 거예요~

꿀~ 음식들도 나오고 귀여운 팬더도 나오고 캠핑느낌나는 아이템도 업데이트 되고 스토리게임마다 다양한 컨셉으로 등장하네요.

벌써 3월이네요. 3월도 알차게!

도움되셨다면 공감&댓글 부탁해요.

